Monday, October 4, 2010

He Hasn't Seen The Football Since The Kickoff!

This is a true story.  A prosecuting attorney hired a self proclaimed computer forensics expert.  The individual had credentials as a former law enforcement agent.  His experience was monitoring on line computer activities mostly chat rooms.  The individual unfortunately was not knowledgeable in the area of the inner workings of a computer.  Much to the surprise of the defense attorney this individual down loaded his own hard drive instead of the accused and attempted to prove that there was indeed pornography on the accused computer.  Thankfully the defense attorney in this case hired an expert that simply pointed out that the opposing expert had downloaded his own hard drive and was proving that he had pornography on his own hard drive.  The case was dismissed.  Don’t get caught hiring a computer forensics expert that is not trained and certified.
If you would like to know a simple question (and answer) that would have saved an embarrassing moment for the prosecutor please follow the link below.  We'll also send you a paper containing more qualifying questions.
"Ten Questions to Ask The Opposing Computer Forensics Expert"
Like it or not, in case law every computer is a potential crime scene and must be treated as such.  Now that more than 90% of the world's information is created, stored and accessed in an electronic format it presents major challenges in preserving, protecting, and managing electronic data and intellectual property.  Computer Forensics Northwest practice focuses on best practices for the preservation, collection, processing, analysis, and production of digital evidence. [MORE]

Computer Forensics Northwest specializes in the forensic analysis of all types of digital assets and media (Computer Forensics) for corporate clients, law firms, individuals, and government agencies.
Our expert forensic examiners are trained to present technical findings in a detailed and easy to understand format.  All Examiners hold multiple certifications in a variety of disciplines, including CSFA (Cyber Security Forensic Analysit) and ACE (The AccessData Certified Examiner) a leading forensic software tool.
Computer Forensics Northwest is a bilingual company which will be able to support both the legal and civil cases that employ or involve Spanish speaking individuals.  This capability allows Computer Forensics Northwest to recover documents and e-mails that are written in Spanish quickly and efficiently.

If the data you need to recover is on a computer that is still being used, STOP! Every time the computer is booted and used, deleted data can be over-written and never be recovered. It is important to act quickly - so call us now at 425-780-6061